Saturday, April 4, 2009

I have this friend who I have known since college. He loved to talk books and stay up all night discussing the latest novel he was reading. Since college he has been working with computers. Now when I talk to him and ask him what he's reading he says "I haven't really read anything lately besides the news online". I continue to tell him that that is just not like him and he really needs to read a book! He tried to convince me that when he tries to read books now his eyes get tired easily and he can't focus after a couple of pages, no matter how interesting the book is. I just don't believe it. In fact, I get frustrated with him when he makes excuses like that. Get glasses, focus more, do something!

Then I read the Carr article and he is making the same excuses. I understand that after spending years on the internet doing research that your skills become more honed in that area. I just can't bring myself to believe that the internet is changing our brains. I spend a lot of time on the internet and I am able to read books without losing focus after a few minutes. I need more research to be convinced of this.

On another note, I am a Google lover. I love having a random question that can be answered in minutes. I love being given choices when I Google a topic and seeing what kind of information is available. My husband, on the other hand, thinks that Google is an evil spy. He does not like that Gmail can "read" what you're emailing about and then put up advertisements for it. "This is just the beginning of Google's evil plan to take over the world". I must say, it makes me laugh. Maybe he's right but it just doesn't bother me yet. I love too much of what the Google genius' have offered me. GoogleDocs, GoogleMaps, GoogleSketch, GoogleEarth; I could go on and on. Ok, so it's a monopoly but is a monopoly so bad if they're producing really cool programs? I'll revisit this question in a few more years and see where Google is at...


  1. I feel you on both counts!

    I actually do feel that it's harder and harder for me to focus on reading, or on tasks that require an extended (that's a relative term, isn't it?) attention span. BUT, I think it is an excuse to chalk the situation up to re-wired/trained brains; it's just EASY to be distracted.

    Google is a scary and wonderful thing. So accessible, inventive, pervasive, invasive... No negative repercussions yet, as far as my personal life goes, and I can't help but think that if Big Brother wants to see what I'm up to, at this point it's hopeless to think that I can stop Him. Again, hasn't damaged me yet. If/when it does, I definitely can't claim that no one warned me so.

  2. p.s. The framing of your posted cartoon makes your blog look super professional. Nice!
